
Customer Service

Transfer Of Ownership

Problem Statement

A Customer can request a mobile phone contract be transferred to another customer. The advisor adds notes to the account with new details and explains that the new owner then needs to call in to give their details and take ownership of the mobile contract.

Process Overview

When a customer calls into customer service, the advisor goes over some security details with the customer. Once the customer passes the checks, they are asked who the person is who will be taking over ownership of the contract. The new details are noted on the billing system and the new owner is then expected to call in. Nothing will happen to the account unless the prospective owner calls. Once the new owner calls, the change of ownership can start. The advisor takes all the customers details including new address and bank details for monthly payments. A brand new account is then created for the new customer and the old account closed. Nothing has to change on the network as the mobile will continue to be used on the same number. Systems: DISE, CUK, Kana


The original owner of the mobile phone now fills out a structured online form with their details and the contact details of the new customer. Due to data protection, a call still needs to be made to the new customer. Once the form is received, the advisor calls to check that the details are correct and the new owner is happy to take on the phone contract with the details supplied. If they are happy, the email is forwarded to an inbox where the robot picks up the email and performs the transfer of ownership. Once the transfer is fully complete an email is sent to both customers and a text to the mobile to let them know of completion.

Estimated Business Benefit


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